Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break ll

Spring break has just finished. It was both interesting and pretty dull.

I went sailing with my parents at Lake Mead. There was absolutely no wind the entire four days we were there. Okay, there was about an hour of wind on Wednesday and Thursday, but other than that we've been motoring about at 5 mph. I sat on that sailboat and got the funkiest sunburns and tan lines I have ever had.

There were some interesting high points on this trip though. On the first night the anchor line got stuck on the keel (?) or something and Dad had to go in the water, under the boat and undo the damage. The water was supposedly pretty cold. That we went back to the dock and stayed the night there.

On Wednesday we anchored early in a very nice, shallow area. Mom and I rowed an unsteady blow-up canoe to shore and walked around. That night we were the only ones out on the lake. It was kind of creepy actually; how separated we were from everything else.

Thursday we went through the gorge. It was narrow and the cliffs on either side were high and rocky. That's where the wind picked up. There were shallow areas on both sides and rocks hiding just beneath the water. Mom and Dad took care in navigating through there, I just sat there and filmed and took pictures. We docked at Calville Docks (I think) and later that evening Kristy (ok, I'm sure that's not how you spell her name, but oh well) came to visit. We motored out and talked, we started dinner, and then we sat around and talked some more.

Friday we spent the whole time getting back to Echo Bay. My Ipod had run out of battery, so I just sat there the whole day. When we were docked at Echo Bay and getting ready for bed, there were a couple of drunk guys a few slots down. They said hi to my Dad and complimented his shirt, but when he didn't respond to them they got a little pissed off. They didn't do anything. Of course how could they know that they were talking to a deaf guy?

Anyway, we left on Saturday. After a while being in a small space with my parents, they were starting to drive me bonkers. So that was my whole vacation. A new experience, but nothing much happened.

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